The Mystai of the Moon are a sisterhood who share a common love of the Lunar Mysteries. For over a decade we have shared love, laughter, and a deep spiritual connection both in person and through the aether. We realized shortly after our beginning that the seasons vary in their manifestations and intensity depending on where in the world you are, and when some of us are experiencing the blistering heat of summer, others are nose-deep in parkas, but the Moon, She Who Shines For All, is the same for all Her daughters.
Goddess of the Month

Bast is an ancient Goddess of Kemet or Egypt, Who has been known since at least the time of the 2nd Dynasty period, 2890 -2650 BCE. She is the Protectress of the Royal House and The Two Lands. She is also most famously the Goddess of Cats, and statues of Her in cat form are almost ubiquitous in reproduction. Her other roles include being one of the divinities associated with the Sun, as well as being the Goddess of Joy and Protectress of Womyn. Her name means "Devouring Lady", and it is fitting since She is a huntress and protectress first and foremost. Some of Her other names include:
Bastis - The Tearer
Ba en Aset - The soul of Aset (Isis)
Lady of the East
Lady of Truth
Goddess of the Birth Chamber
Daughter of Ra
Lady of Flame